Leaded Aviation Fuel: EPA Proposed Clean Air Act Endangerment Finding
January 24, 2023 at 10:00am – 11:30am (PST)
Strafford Live CLE Video Webinar
Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law, Environmental Litigation, Environmental Regulatory / Compliance
Breaking News: The Uncertain Future of California's Vehicle Emission Standards
Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law
Clean Air Act Compliance and Enforcement 2018
2/27/2018 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Environmental Law, Air Quality and Climate Change
Unplugged Renewable Energy Speaker Series - The Smart Grid: Electric Vehicles on the Energy Highway
6/19/2013 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Renewable Energy, Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law, Energy + Infrastructure
Farella Client MCLE Day: The Coming Carbon Market
Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law
ELI / ALI-ABA - Understanding the New Climate and Energy Legal Landscape
November 4, 2009
Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law
The Boxer-Kerry Climate Change Bill
Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law
Environmental Law Summit: Climate Change Legislation's Impact on Physical Landscape
Air Quality and Climate Change, Environmental Law
2009 Developers Conference
Air Quality and Climate Change, Natural Resource Protection, Business Transactions, Construction, Environmental Law, Real Estate