Featured Alumni: Michael Yarne
What is your fondest memory of your time at Farella?
Working for then-Partner Mary Murphy; benefiting from her humor and professional mentorship. I also enjoyed the collegial, intellectual and “family-oriented” tone of the office.
How did Farella help you get to where you are today?
My time at the firm improved my thinking and writing skills and introduced me to a diverse group of successful professionals in the real estate & development field. Equally important, I established lasting friendships and professional “mentorships” with many Farella partners. I have drawn on these relationships over the years for both professional and personal advice.
What do you like most about what you do in your current job?
I’m working with a talented, fun, kind and creative group of entrepreneurs who share a common vision of and passion for changing multifamily construction to drive down costs to benefit the forgotten middle class.
What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
Not being afraid to take risks in my career, change jobs, and speak truth to power when I was working for Mayor Newsom at City Hall.
What is the most valuable lesson you learned while at Farella? How has this lesson impacted you post-Farella?
Always be open to constructive criticism; it’s a gift when given with honesty and clarity.
What piece of advice would you give to [attorneys] starting their legal career?
Listen more than you speak, ask questions, re-state what you think you heard and be humble.
What is your favorite hobby and how did you get into it?
Wilderness backpacking. I started backpacking in 10th grade and have never stopped.
Do you serve on any non-profit boards, and if so which ones and why?
Yes, I’ve served on at least eight boards: Urban Ecology, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, City CarShare, Friends of City Planning, Build Public, Place Lab, EcoDistricts, and now the San Francisco Parks Alliance.