Unplugged: The Renewable Energy Speaker Series
Before 2010, the United States had never approved a utility-scale solar farm on public land in California. Renewable energy projects on private, state or county lands were limited. With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as a catalyst, California state, federal and county agencies approved more than 17,000 MW of renewable energy projects in 2010 and 2011 with over 3,000 MW on public lands. These “Fast Track” projects, permitted through close coordination between agencies, consultants, developers and public stakeholders, form the basis of our renewable energy future. While many of the permitted projects are under construction, many solar projects have stalled due to changing markets and the vagaries of a young industry. Please join our panelists from agencies and the developer community as we delve into the fast and furious world of fast-track solar, where it’s been, lessons learned and where it’s going.
Farella Braun + Martel
San Francisco, CA