Hot Topics and Recent Developments in the World of Insider Trading

December 8, 2022 at 12:00pm1:15pm
Bar Association of San Francisco

Janice Reicher is a speaker at the Bar Association of San Francisco's MCLE program "Hot Topics and Recent Developments in the World of Insider Trading."

Session Overview:

This program will cover hot topics and recent developments in the world of insider trading. It will discuss, among other things, what insider trading investigations look like, and recent insider trading cases that raise novel and/or interesting legal issues. Discussion topics will include SEC v. Wahi, which concerns whether certain digital assets qualify as securities; SEC v. Panuwat, which addresses an attempt to trade in the securities of certain economically-linked firms to avoid insider trading laws; and SEC v. Fu, an insider trading case brought against a CEO who traded pursuant to a 10b5-1 trading plan.


  • Hot local and national cases related to insider trading
  • What insider trading investigations look like and why some cases turn criminal
  • Enforcement trends in insider trading
  • Insider trading cases in the digital asset space
  • Insider trading cases focused on “shadow” insider trading
  • Insider trading cases related to 10b5-1 trading plans

To register, please click here.