Calif. Gov. Signs Landmark Renewable Energy Bill

October 7, 2015 Media Coverage

October 7, 2015
"Calif. Gov. Signs Landmark Renewable Energy Bill"

David Lazerwitz, co-chair of Farella Braun + Martel's Renewable Energy Group, commented on the significance of California's landmark renewable energy bill, SB 350. 

Mr. Lazerwitz told Law360 that "the increase in the renewable portfolio standard from 33 to 50 percent is a huge shot in the arm for clean energy companies — wind, solar, geothermal — particularly at a time when the investment tax credit is expiring Dec. 31, 2016."

"Our clients see this as creating an expanded market for power purchase agreements for the post-2016 timeframe and are looking to lock down project opportunities to service the [California] market," he added.

Link to article (subscription required).