
Dry Cleaning Chemicals

Defend commodity chemical manufacturer against design defect and failure to warn claims concerning soil and groundwater contamination from dry cleaners.

Silicon Breast Implant Cases

As lead California counsel to a Fortune 100 company in consumer/product defect silicon breast implant cases, we obtained summary judgment in more than 700+ cases under the bulk distributor/component supplier doctrines, and successfully defended related product claims including those involving the dual capacity exception to exclusive remedy doctrine.


Serve as national coordinating counsel for products liability litigation relating to gas delivery system, and products liability counseling relating to Prop. 65.

Agriculture Chemicals

Represent agricultural chemical maker in litigation for alleged breach of contract and unfair business practices in research and development of agricultural chemicals.

Air Conditioning Units

Represent manufacturer in a product liability action involving air conditioning units for hundreds of apartments in Guam, and concerning passenger and freight elevators installed in a major hotel on Guam.

Concrete Foundations

Represent concrete company in product defect litigation involving susceptibility of concrete foundations to deterioration from sulfate in soil in condominium development.

DBCP Pesticide

Represented chemical company and its subsidiaries in personal injury, public health and property damage claims regarding the pesticide DBCP.

Defective Medical Devices

Successfully prosecuted claims on behalf of medical group for reimbursement of expenses incurred for revision surgeries resulting from defective hip and knee implants.

EPA Compliance

Represented pharmaceutical company in EPA administrative enforcement action for alleged failure to comply with TSCA reporting requirements concerning chemicals used in manufacturing.

Exercise Equipment

Represent manufacturer of exercise equipment in a product liability lawsuit and provide product stewardship advice.

Fire Sprinker Systems

Represent pipe and fitting companies in class action litigation for alleged design and manufacturing defects resulting in premature corrosion, and related claims concerning pipes and fittings used in fire sprinkler systems.

Fruit Crop Value

As lead counsel to agricultural chemical manufacturer in actions alleging pesticide product defects resulting in diminished value of fruit crop, obtained summary judgment and dismissals with prejudice.

Leather and Fabric Care Products

Represented manufacturer in EPA investigation and enforcement action for alleged failure to comply with FIFRA in manufacturing and labeling leather and fabric care products, and in related CPSC investigation.

Outdoor Grills

As West Coast counsel for a manufacturer of outdoor goods, successfully defended claims of design and manufacturing defects relating to outdoor grills and other products, including obtaining defense verdicts in state and federal trials.

Plant Growth Regulator

Represent international agricultural chemical manufacturer in product liability claims to alleged crop damage resulting from the use of a plant growth regulator, and provide domestic product stewardship advice to the company.

Satellite Payload

Defended manufacturer of a satellite payload for alleged component defects.

TSCA Compliance - Life Sciences

Represent major life science company in product assessment and counseling, including compliance relating to TSCA.

Wastewater Districts and Municipalities

Represent water districts and municipalities in prosecution of lawsuits involving defective polybutylene pipe laterals.