Legislative Activities of the Corporations Committee
Published in the State Bar of California’s Business Law News, Issue 4, 2012
By Philip W. Peters. Peters is a partner in the Business Transactions Group of Farella Braun + Martel LLP. He currently serves as co-chair of the Corporations Committee of the Business Law Section of the California State Bar.
The Corporations Committee (“Committee”) is charged with the duty of studying, considering, taking a position on and advocating that position with respect to needed changes to the California Corporations Code (“Code”) and related statutory changes that would promote efficiency or effectiveness in practice. In pursuing its mission during the 2012 Bar Year, the Committee prepared three affirmative legislative proposals to amend the Code (“ALPs”) and monitored and commented upon other proposed legislation affecting businesses. These activities are summarized in this article. The Committee plans to continue to dedicate substantial time and energy to legislative matters during the 2013 Bar Year.