
The Next Wave: Expanding Renewable Energy Procurement in the Commercial and Industrial Sector

12/17/2015 5:30pm7:00pm
Farella Braun + Martel LLP

San Francisco, CA

Many commercial and industrial (C&I) companies have set ambitious renewable energy goals for their facilities and operations. A simple Google search provides a litany of C&I end user approaches to meeting their goals. Emerging strategies include signing utility-scale renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) directly with the renewable energy provider, and entering into virtual PPAs.

This panel will address this trend as well as:

•   Strategic considerations for power purchase

•   The renewable energy industry’s response to this
    growing demand.

•   The California Public Utility Commission’s (CPUC)
    policies that impact the C&I renewable energy market.

Bill Thomas
Director of Global Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Origination
First Solar

Aaron Binkley
Director of Sustainability
Digital Realty

Cheryl Lee
Senior Regulatory Analyst, Energy Division
California Public Utilities Commission