Nonprofit Basics: Unpacking Prudent Investments, PRIs and MRIs

March 11, 2024 Podcast
EO Radio Show - Your Nonprofit Legal Resource

Welcome to EO Radio Show - Your Nonprofit Legal Resource. Episode 73 discusses frequently used terms in the nonprofit world pertaining to investment activities. Public charity and private foundation directors and officers need to understand their obligations as fiduciaries when determining whether an investment opportunity meets the criteria for a prudent investment, a program-related investment, or a mission-related investment. This episode unpacks the rules around each term, covering a basic explanation of “prudent investment,” “PRI,” and “MRI.” The episode concludes with recommendations for ensuring that a private foundation’s investments qualify as PRIs and best practices for developing an investment policy statement that covers the overall portfolio investment policy statement.


Farella YouTube channel:

EO Radio Show #16: Basics of Impact Investing: A Conversation About Investment Policies and Evaluation Metrics For ESG Investors

EO Radio Show #35: Hot Topic: UPMIFA in the Context of Financial System Instability

IRS Issue Podcasts for charities:

Instructions for 990PF:

IRS pages on Expenditure Responsibility and Program Related Investments:

UPMIFA Documents:

If you have suggestions for topics you would like us to discuss, please email us at [email protected]

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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be, nor should it be interpreted as, legal advice or opinion.