March 2, 2016
Media Coverage
Perfect 10 and the RIAA Still Trying to Rewrite Copyright to Give Hollywood A Veto Right Over Innovation: EFF Files Brief In Support of Giganews and Sound Copyright Policy
Farella Braun + Martel was mentioned for its assistance in drafting an amicus brief supporting appellees on behalf of Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Knowledge, the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Association of Research Libraries. The Ninth...
September 22, 2015
Who Reps: Minding the Store (IP Litigation)
Corporate Counsel September 22, 2015 "Who Reps: Minding the Store" Farella Braun + Martel ranked second as a result of its handling five IP litigation matters in 2014. According to the article: The California-based firm represents IP-dependent Silicon Valley-based...