
Bankruptcy Sales and Asset Purchases

Represented various purchasers of assets through bankruptcy or other distressed sales, including restaurant chain, $100 million hotel property, and various intellectual property assets out of bankruptcy sales and auctions.

Landlords In Large National Bankruptcy Cases

Represented landlords in myriad large retail and other chain bankruptcy cases throughout the U.S., such as Toys "R" Us, GNC, Forever 21, Payless Shoes, Circuit City, Borders, 24 Hour Fitness & Shopko, including negotiating favorable sales or restructurings to continue leases and settlements of related substantial, complex claims.

Lake Tahoe Resort Bankruptcy

Successfully foreclosed on resort development property in Lake Tahoe area, overcoming concerted legal actions by debtor and related parties, including multiple lawsuits and bankruptcy filing.

Ritz-Carlton Hotel - Lake Tahoe

Represented Court-appointed Receiver for the Ritz-Carlton Highlands Hotel and Residences at the Northstar Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe, including the proposed sale and disputes, construction and mechanics' liens, and various other litigation issues.

Loan Workouts

Represent numerous lenders and borrowers in the workout of various loans, often involving complex issues.

74 New Montgomery Associates Condo Project

Assisted client with construction, mezzanine debt and inter-creditor negotiations for turnaround residential condo conversion project.