
Nonprofit Basics: Setting up a New Charity for Disaster Relief

August 8, 2022 Podcast
EO Radio Show

Welcome to EO Radio Show – Your Nonprofit Legal Resource. This episode provides a checklist of considerations when organizing a new charity to provide relief in the aftermath of a disaster, such as an earthquake, hurricane, wildfire, pandemic, terrorist attack, or war.

Many disasters require long-term recovery efforts, long-term fundraising, and a long-term commitment to the victims. This episode focuses on the many steps the new organization needs to tackle on its way to providing effective disaster relief.


Episode 5: Nonprofit Basics: Navigating the Complex Rules That Describe A Public Charity

Episode 9: Nonprofit Basics: Charitable Support for Individuals Affected by a Disaster 

IRS Form 3833:  Disaster Relief, Providing Assistance Through Charitable Organizations. 

IRS Form 1023

IRS Publication 1771: Charitable Contributions and Substantiation Requirements

If you have suggestions for topics you would like us to discuss, please email us at [email protected]

Additional episodes can be found at

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be, nor should it be interpreted as, legal advice or opinion.