Intellectual Property Litigation

Trademark Counseling + Litigation


April 1, 2005 Media Coverage
Roundtable - Intellectual Property
California Lawyer
California Lawyer April 2005 "Roundtable - Intellectual Property" Farella Braun + Martel’s Robert Holtzapple participates in a roundtable discussion on trademark fair use, trademark damages, copyright issues in open source software and search engine lawsuits
June 1, 2004 Media Coverage
Trademarks coming up low carb
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle June 1, 2004 "Trademarks coming up low carb" Farella Braun + Martel’s Bob Holtzapple is quoted on the increase of trademarks containing a version of the word "carb."
December 1, 2003 Media Coverage
IP Law Update
California Lawyer
California Lawyer December 2003 "IP Law Update" Farella Braun + Martel’s John Cooper participates in a roundtable discussion regarding the recent trademark decision and three patent law developments that have occurred over the past several months.