Featured Alumni: Randall Wulff
What is your fondest memory of your time at Farella?
Fondest memories are probably the occasions when celebrating people who made partner.
How did Farella help you get to where you are today?
I learned many of my mediation skills by taking FBM clients through the process. Also, the firm supported me when I wanted to build a mediation practice, doing less litigation.
What do you like most about what you do in your current job?
While trying cases is a heady mix of competition and theater, settling cases for people in mediation has been more satisfying and feels more socially productive.
What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
Proudest accomplishment is probably my work resolving the property damage claims arising from the tragedy of 9/11. These were the largest claims in the history of the insurance industry by a factor of 4. It took almost 3 years but eventually cleared the financial path for the Freedom Tower that now stands and the healing of downtown NY.
What is the most valuable lesson you learned while at Farella? How has this lesson impacted you post-Farella?
Most valuable lesson and piece of advice—you learn much more by listening than you do talking.
What is your favorite hobby and did you get into it?
Most favorite hobby—now a business—is growing wine grapes in Napa and making wine. We now have 60 acres, annually harvest around 100 tons of fruit and make several award-winning varietal wines with our label, “LOBO,” which of course is Spanish for “wolf.” It all started with Frank Farella, who got me interested in wine.