Managing Intellectual Property's IP Stars 2022 Ranks Farella Braun + Martel Lawyers; Firm Recommended for Patent Litigation
Farella Braun + Martel’s Daniel Callaway, James L. Day, Jeffrey M. Fisher, Winston Liaw, Eugene Mar, and Stephanie P. Skaff were recognized by Managing Intellectual Property in the 2022 edition of IP STARS.
Fisher was recognized as both a "Patent Star" and a "Trademark Star." Callaway, Day, Mar, and Skaff were ranked "Patent Stars" and Liaw was recognized as a "Notable Practitioner."
Farella is a “Recommended” firm in California in the Patent Contentious rankings.
According to Managing Intellectual Property, IP STARS are senior practitioners who have been recommended or identified as leaders in their firm and/or jurisdiction. The rankings are derived from information obtained from firms, practitioners, and clients through interviews, email, online surveys, and independent research.
Celebrating our 60th anniversary, Farella Braun + Martel is a leading Northern California law firm representing corporate and private clients in sophisticated business transactions and complex commercial, civil and criminal litigation. Clients seek our imaginative legal solutions and the dynamism and intellectual creativity of our lawyers. We are headquartered in San Francisco and maintain an office in the Napa Valley that is focused on the wine industry.
Cheryl Loof
Farella Braun + Martel LLP
415.954.4433 / [email protected]