
California Recycling: Keeping Up With the Chasing Arrows

October 20, 2022 at 8:30am9:30am
Farella's Client MCLE Day

Sarah Bell, Elizabeth Dorsi, and Don Sobelman spoke at Farella's 2022 annual Client MCLE Day on the session "California Recycling: Keeping Up With the Chasing Arrows."


California is leading the way in new laws and regulations aimed at recycling and ensuring manufacturers and retailers are making the right products and claims. State agencies, like the California Attorney General’s Office, are also taking aim at the plastics industry for what it claims is a campaign of deception as to recyclability claims. Join our panel of experts to discuss these new laws and lawsuit trends on these issues. From SB 343’s restrictions on the use of symbols (like the classic chasing arrows) and other statements regarding recyclability, to SB 54’s requirements as to the recyclability or compost-ability of packaging, this panel will provide critical information to any manufacturer or seller of products in California or nationwide.