Eight Farella Braun + Martel Lawyers Listed in Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch 2021
SAN FRANCISCO/ST. HELENA, CA, August 20, 2020: Eight Farella Braun + Martel lawyers were listed in the inaugural Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch. This recognition is awarded to attorneys who are earlier in their careers for outstanding professional excellence in private practice in the United States.
San Francisco
- Elizabeth Dorsi: Commercial Litigation
- Erin L. Fraser: Tax Law; Trusts and Estates
- Lysondra E. Ludwig: Tax Law
- Kelly M. Matayoshi: Commercial Litigation; Product Liability Litigation - Defendants
- Alex Reese: Commercial Litigation
- Janice W. Reicher: Commercial Litigation; Criminal Defense: White-Collar
- Alyssa Snyder: Nonprofit / Charities Law
St. Helena
- Quinn Arntsen: Real Estate Law
Farella Braun + Martel is a leading Northern California law firm representing corporate and private clients in sophisticated business transactions and complex commercial, civil and criminal litigation. Clients seek our imaginative legal solutions and the dynamism and intellectual creativity of our lawyers. We are headquartered in San Francisco and maintain offices in the Napa Valley that are focused on the wine industry.
Cheryl Loof
Farella Braun + Martel LLP
[email protected] / 415.954.4433